AK20 HI48 AL16 AR 9 AZ 5 CA25 CO41 CT34 DE47 FL18 GA21 IA15 ID12 IL49 IN19 KS28 KY 7 LA44 MA 3 MD35 ME 1 MI29 MN17 MO30 MS37 MT38 NC27 ND22 NE11 NH 6 NJ50 NM46 NV39 NY14 OH23 OK 8 OR26 PA24 RI 4 SC40 SD13 TN45 TX33 UT31 VA42 VT 2 WA36 WI10 WV43 WY32

SCORECARD STORY: In Illinois, just 18 percent of farmers have been farming for less than 10 years. Learn more about how the Chillinois Young Farmers Coalition is working to support beginning farmers through policy solutions that expand access to land, credit, and other resources. See story

Promoting young farmers and the future of farming in Illinois

Meeting of the National Young Farmers Coalition

Across the country, local chapters of the National Young Farmers Coalition advocate for policies that will sustain young, independent, and prosperous farmers now and in the future.
Photo: National Young Farmers Coalition.

The average age of farmers in the US has been steadily increasing, reaching 58.3 years in the most recent census, and farm operators have historically been overwhelmingly male and (non-Hispanic) white. These demographics reflect persistent inequities and a legacy of racial discrimination in the food system, and they threaten agriculture’s long-term resilience. At the same time, they also present an opportunity. Young people, women, and people of color want to farm, and they will be critical to advancing innovation to ensure a more prosperous, sustainable, and socially just future for agriculture. But for too many of these aspiring farmers, needed tools and resources—land, credit, and training—are out of reach.

Among the states struggling with an aging farming population is Illinois, where the average age of farmers is 57.8 years and just 18 percent of farmers are beginners. Enter the Chillinois Young Farmers Coalition—a chapter of the National Young Farmers Coalition—which advocates for policies such as the federal Young Farmer Success Act, which would give young farmers in every state greater access to student loan forgiveness. Locally, the Chillinois Young Farmers Coalition provides trainings and resources to help Illinois farmers—whether urban, suburban, or rural—partner with land trusts, permanently protecting land from development so farmland will be available to future farmers.

For more solutions to increase innovation and resilience and develop the next generation of farmers, read our blog and check out the Chillinois Young Farmers Coalition.

Charting results by state

Choose a state from the dropdown list to see how that state did across all 10 categories. (For the average of all categories, note that it’s the scores rather than the ranks for each category that are averaged here.)


Farming outlook16
Food produced26
Reduced resource reliance13
Reduced ecosystem impacts7
Conservation practices21
Farm investments23
Food infrastructure44
Diet & health outcomes47
Food investments38
Social determinants & disparities35
Average of all categories32

Policy recommendations

Based on the findings of this analysis, UCS offers the following recommendations to foster innovation and improve food systems in every state:

Related resources